Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fractals-Who knew math could be this cool?

          What is a fractal you may ask? Well basically fractals are designs and really art created by math. Fractals are found throughout nature from snowflakes to lightning to DNA. But my favorite part about them is the incredible art they can create, not to mention the extremely trippy 3d fractals.

           Fractals are created through sometimes simple and sometimes very complex math formulas. The Mandelbrot set, one of the most famous fractals is zn+1 = zn2c a relatively simple equation though how it works is a little more complex. But basically they'll color the areas for different values they get. But the coolest thing is that you can zoom in and keep zooming in and you'll keep uncovering new designs new patterns in what you thought was a cut and dry area. Try it out with this it's pretty cool. But anyways you can make some pretty amazing designs and art with fractals.

My favorite of all however are 3D fractals. Very likely the trippiest thing on the planet. 

All of it created with just a few simple math formulas. Math can be beautiful.


  1. You are, by far, one of the nerdiest men I know :)

  2. One time I watched a thing about these on TV when I was, yes, EXTREMELY bored.
    It blew my mind a little bit.

    Also, you're a nerd. (don't worry, it's a good thing haha.)

  3. Nick, you're a wizard, not a nerd. Anyone who calls you a nerd is only jealous they haven't reached as high a state of being as you have.

  4. Thanks Aubrey! Miss "I finish all my math homework by learning it out of the book" haha.

  5. For reference the "Thanks Aubrey!" can go to both of you. But the second part refers to Snelson Aubrey.
