Thursday, January 12, 2012


I know I've said it many a time, but I love sunsets! They are one of my favorite things about nature!
Probably my two favorite sunsets I've ever seen are (1) the one coming back from Pearl Harbor on our red eye flight 30,000 feet up. I didn't get a good picture of it, but it looked a lot like this:

When I saw it I couldn't help but waking Jared Larkin up to enjoy it with me. His sleep deprived body didn't agree though =(

(2) And my other favorite one I got a really awesome picture of:

       Good old Provo sunsets =D. One time I was walking home from a Sunday walk I decided to take to enjoy the fall colors and there was a really gorgeous sunset that I couldn't help just standing on the side of 9th east to enjoy for a half hour haha, but sometimes I really think we need to just stop and enjoy all the beautiful things around us we far too often take for granted.

1 comment:

  1. It is often when seeing nature that I feel Gods love the most. He created all these beautiful things, flowers, mountains, and sunsets simple for the selfless act of us enjoying them. Who else would create magnificent works of art each night, simply to bring a smile to someones face? :)
