Sunday, May 27, 2012

Be The Change

This baby demonstrates a lot of what's hurting our community, our nation, and even the world.

It's not babies or pink fuzzy onesies (one-sies?) I'm talking about.

 It's hatred and anger. 

Now this baby has a good excuse.
He's a baby. But, 

We can do better.

We all have these emotions and passions. Unfortunately it's part of human nature.
But part of human nature is that we ourselves get to define what our nature will be.

We can see it's effects everywhere:

The middle east is always on the cusp of war due to hate and anger passed down for thousands of years.

Our national government can't agree on almost anything so rampant is the anger and mis-characterization. 

And even our local community is filled with anger and hatred and in the words of one culprit "as much disdain as possible." When we let our actions be dominated by these passions we lose our ability to be thoughtful, to be humble, to be open to the perspectives and experiences of others. 

It's this pride of omniscience. This inability to recognize that "hey maybe that guy who I strongly disagree with actually has good intentions, and maybe the same intentions as I do, but he just goes about it a different way."

It's all well and good to talk about the problems in the world. But it means nothing if we lack the ability or the will to change it.

Because the change starts with us. 

You can't cure the world of a disease you still possess. We must remove the beam from our own eye to remove the mote from others.

Let's not be products of our environment, but let's make our environment be products of us.

Be The Change

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